ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County Executive Calvin Ball is seeking a member of the general public interested in serving on the County’s Board of Health. This specific Board position requires no professional training in health occupations or services. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, November 24, 2021.

Our Howard County Board of Health is an essential body that helps improve and sustain public health for our residents and community. The Board is made up of both health professionals and the general public to collaborate on health initiatives and set goals so that all of our residents can be healthy and thriving.

Calvin Ball
Howard County Executive

Comprised of 11 members, the Board must include: one environmental health professional; three health professionals, one which may be a veterinarian; and seven members from the general public. Those representing the general public must meet one of the following qualifications provided that not more than three meet the same qualification: 

  • at least two may not have professional or administrative training in the health occupations; 
  • at least two may have had professional or administrative training in the health occupations, but have not worked as a health professional in the past five years; 
  • at least one shall have professional experience in mental health; and 
  • at least one shall have professional experience in substance use disorders.

Board members serve five-year terms and are responsible for the health and sanitary interests of the people of Howard County.

To be eligible for consideration, candidates must be Howard County residents, 18 years of age or older, have an interest in public health and be able to attend the Board’s meetings. With the exception of December, July and August, Board meetings are currently behind held virtually on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. 

Applicants should send a resume and brief letter explaining why they want to serve on the Board to Kimberly Pruim either by email to kpruim@howardcountymd.gov or by mail to: Howard County Government, Office of the County Executive, Attn: Kimberly Pruim, 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043. The names of eligible applicants will be submitted to the County Executive for approval and then to the County Council for confirmation. 

For more information about the Board of Health, visit www.howardcountymd.gov/boards-commissions/board-health or call the Howard County Health Department at 410-313-6300.

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