Project Overview
The Office of Transportation completed a study to develop and evaluate the feasibility of providing pedestrian and bicycle facilities in the North Laurel Area of the County. Specifically, the study’s extent included:
- Old Scaggsville Road from the Wyndemere Community to Pilgrim Avenue
- Pilgrim Avenue from Old Scaggsville Road to MD-216
- Superior Avenue from Old Scaggsville Road to High Ridge Park
The study sought to implement the County’s Complete Streets Design Manual in this area, and includes concept layouts of potential improvements.
Click here to view the final study document.
Project Details
The feasibility study included the following measures:
- Gather and evaluate available existing information and data within the project limits. This will include GIS information, identification of major pedestrian/bike
generators, field observations, roadway posted speed limits, roadway characteristics within the corridor, and any available crash data. - Identify constraints and evaluate impacts of proposed concepts including drainage and SWM concerns, as well as potential environmental,
grading, right-of-way, and utility impacts. - Develop concept layouts for proposed pedestrian and bicycle facilities within the project limits.
- Host a public meeting to discuss the study and facilitate feedback from residents.
- Create a final report of the study, which will include a description of the existing corridor, critical elements/constraints within the
corridor, and the proposed concepts.
Public Meeting and Input
A public meeting was held on Tuesday, September 10th, to discuss the concepts created for the feasibility study. Click the links below to view the PDFs of the materials shown at the meeting:
A survey was the created for the public to provide feedback on the project concepts. Upon preliminary review of the survey feedback, the project team created a revised version of the project concepts:
Changes in this version include:
- Added sidewalk and crosswalk markings at the Old Scaggsville Rd roundabout between High Ridge Rd and Running Deer Dr.
- Proposed sidewalk along Superior Ave moved to the edge of the road to minimize impacts to existing trees. This change applies only to the property frontage directly east of the Fairview Ave & Superior Ave intersection.
- Clarification regarding sidewalk on Pilgrim Ave; sidewalk along Pilgrim Ave will be widened from its existing 4 ft. to 5 ft., accommodating ADA requirements.
Questions on the project can be directed to Please subscribe to receive updates from the Office of Transportation on this project's public meeting and other news.