2021 Active Transportation Open House

Thank you for your interest. The Open House was held online from February 19 to 26, with 704 attendees. The information presented is still available below (surveys, however, are no longer available for public comment).  Please click on the topics at the bottom of the page. Please feel free to contact us at the email below with comments or questions.

Open House Summaries

  • Surveys. A summary of the responses gathered from the Open House surveys is available here.
  • Office Hours. A summary of the discussions held during the four Open House “office hours” is available here.
  • Report. The full report being provided to the County Council and the County Executive (which includes the summaries of the surveys and office hour discussions) is available here.
Female bicyclists


The County has several websites that address different aspects of active transportation. We encourage you to visit them all and learn more about the County’s commitment to the health of the community and its residents.

  • BikeHoward explains the County’s Bicycle Master Plan addressing improvements for both transportation and recreational bicycling
  • Complete Streets describes our Complete Streets policy and implementation efforts to create County roadways that are safe and convenient for residents of all ages and abilities traveling by foot, bicycle, public transportation or automobile 
  • Complete Streets infrastructure improvement projects described projects promoting the Complete Streets policy by the different phases of concept, design, and construction.
    A chart with the status of bicycle and pedestrian projects is available here.
  • Go Howard outlines the County’s ridesharing, transit, biking, and other alternatives to driving 
  • WalkHoward reviews the County’s Pedestrian Master Plan which continues our efforts to improve walkability in Howard County 

Questions and Notifications

If you have any further questions or comments, please email us at  transportation@howardcountymd.gov.  If you wish to be notified of future Open Houses, meetings or events hosted by the Office of Transportation, please sign up here.

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