
About the HOTF


Pursuant to Howard County Code Section 13.1600, DHCD is authorized to administer the Housing Opportunities Trust Fund in accordance with guidelines established by House Bill 878-2022.

The fund will be administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development to promote and support equitable, geographically disbursed and affordable rental and for-sale housing opportunities throughout the County and assist in alleviating the difficulties of many low- and moderate-income households, including seniors and persons with disabilities, to obtain and maintain housing that meets their needs at costs that they can afford; and to meet these needs by providing funding for rental housing development, preservation and rehabilitation, rental assistance, homeownership, home improvements and other affordable housing opportunities.

The Housing Opportunities Trust Fund can be used to provide loans, grants, or guarantees to

  1. Construct new affordable housing units;
  2. Acquire land upon which affordable housing may be constructed;
  3. Buy and rehabilitate existing rental units that might otherwise be removed from the supply of affordable housing;
  4. Increase the accessibility of new and existing housing, both rental and homeownership;
  5. Support home modifications or improvements to help residents age in place;
  6. Assist with the purchase of for-sale housing; and
  7. Provide rent subsidies to low-income households.

HOTF Advisory Committee


The Housing Opportunities Trust Fund Advisory Committee will be comprised of seven members. Committee membership should reflect the racial, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, socioeconomic and cultural diversity of Howard County. Members will serve initial term of eighteen months. Subsequent terms will be determined.

Committee Members:

  • Robbyn Harris, Chair
  • Timothy Goetzinger, Co-Chair
  • Ada Bohorfoush
  • Kimberley Amprey Flowers
  • Margaret Gold
  • Richard Pardoe
  • Jim Sanders



April 13, 2023  @ 4 pm - Kick-off and Introduction Meeting - Agenda

May 2, 2023 @ 4 pm - Agenda - Virtual 

October 16, 2023 @4pm- Agenda - Virtual  

October 30, 2023 @4pm- Agenda- Virtual 

January 18, 2024 @4pm Agenda - Virtual

January 29, 2024 @4pm Agenda - Virtual

February 5, 2024 @4pm


Question & Answers


The Department hosted three (3) Q&A sessions.  Please review the notes below:

December 7, 2023

December 14, 2023

December 21, 2023


2024 Housing Opportunities Trust Fund Awarded Organizations


The Housing Opportunities Trust Fund (HOTF) was awarded $10 million dollars in FY25 to be used for its 2nd round of funding. The HOTF Advisory Committee received nine (9) applications and is pleased to announce the following awards:

  1. $2,000,000 to Enterprise Community Development for the redevelopment of Ranleagh Court Apartments in Columbia.
  2. $2,275,000 to Enterprise Community Development for the redevelopment of Waverly Winds Apartments in Columbia.
  3. $135,000 to Bridges to Housing Stability for rehabilitation of existing scattered site rental units.
  4. $350,000 to Bridges to Housing Stability for development of a home-sharing program for older adults.
  5. $80,000 to ARC of Howard County to provide rental subsidies to adults with disabilities.
  6. $2,160,000 for a rental subsidy program for older adults.
  7. $1,000,000 for a foreclosure prevention program for income-eligible homeowners.
  8. $4,000,000 towards development of a new affordable homeownership community.


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