The Howard County Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities was established by statute in September 2016 to advise the county government in establishing an effective, efficient, and comprehensive delivery of services that will most successfully meet the transition needs of Howard County students with disabilities as they transition from high school to postsecondary education, employment, and adult life.
The Commission envisions a community that values each student’s abilities and provides diverse college, career, and community opportunities that lead to individual success. The Commission promotes opportunities for students and young adults with disabilities to exercise self-determination, and to be independent, productive, integrated, and included members of the community.
The Commission will:
- Advocate for policy on behalf of students with developmental, intellectual, and/or physical disabilities;
- Examine current practices and make recommendations on ways to improve postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities;
- Make recommendations that would facilitate successful customized employment and postsecondary education for students exiting the Howard County Public School System;
- Foster greater collaboration between the business, academic, non-profit, and public sectors to engage in successful initiatives designed to immerse students with disabilities in a work environment and provide important job skills.
New Online Application Process
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball has launched an innovative online application that transforms the way constituents apply to become members of County boards and commissions. Read the press release.

Commission Information
Meeting Schedule
Commission meetings are generally held the second Thursday of the month in January, March, May, September, and November, from 8:30 to 10:30 am at the Roger Carter Community Center, 3000 Milltowne Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21042. Due to current Covid-19 restrictions, all meetings are being held virtually via Webex.
NOTE: To request accommodations to participate in these meetings, contact the Department of Community Resources and Services at 410-313-6400 (Voice/Relay) at least seven (7) days in advance.
Meeting time and location is subject to change. Please call the Department of Community Resources and Services at 410-313-6400 (Voice/Relay) to verify.
All meetings of Howard County boards and commissions are open to the public, except under those circumstances in which a closed meeting is permitted by law.
Board Members
The co-chairs of the Commission are Elizabeth Benevides (parent) and Dawson Robertson (transition facilitator, Howard County Public Schools). The Commission reports to the Howard County Office of Children and Families.
Appointed Members:
- Alexandra Berry, Student
- Iuhoma Emenuga, Business member/parent
- Naysha Conway, Humanim
- Kellie Racette, Parent
- Erin Ashinghurst, Accessible Resources for Independence
- Cassandra Buffington-Bates, Parent
- Kathy Land, Service Coordination
- Mary Manzoni, Maryland Works
- Katie Collins-Ihrke, Arc of Howard County
EX. Officio Members
- Program head, transition services
- Instructional facilitator, secondary education
- Coordinator, career and technology education
- Executive director, special education and student services
- Parent coordinator, Family Support and Resource Center
- Coordinator, school counseling services
- Manager, teacher recruitment and retention
Howard County Government
- Director, Department of Community Resources and Services
- ADA coordinator, Department of Community Resources and Services
- Administrator, Office of Human Resources
- Administrator, Office of Workforce Development
- Administrator, Office of Human Rights
- Administrator, Office of Disability Services
- Representative, continuing education, HCC
- Manager, therapeutic recreation, Department of Recreation and Parks
- Child and adolescent coordinator, Mental Health Authority
State Government
- Administrator, Division of Rehabilitative Services (DORS)
- Regional director, DDA / DHMH