The Environmental Sustainability Board formed in 2007 as a recommendation of the Commission on the Environment and Sustainability. The Board is a smaller version of the Commission, maintaining the diverse membership. Consisting of 13 members, the Board assists in the implementation of the County’s environmental agenda, providing both advice and review. Board members include experts in energy, air/water quality, environmental governance, community outreach and education, transit, green building, and environmental health.
Board Information
Upcoming Meeting
The Environmental Sustainability Board meets the second, Thursday of each month. These meetings are open to the public. The next meeting will be held on March 13, 2025 at 7:00 PM online and by phone.
Agenda - TBD
You can attend the meeting in person, online or by phone.
Meeting location:
9200 Berger Road
Columbia, MD 21046
Online and phone login info (A password is not required to join)
Board Members
- Brooke Abercrombie
- Kimberly Davis
- Larry Liebesman
- Holly Mays - Vice Chair
- Daniel Nees
- Mabelle Liu
- Kim Pezza - Chair
- Heather Stiltner
- Greta E. Swanson
- Bryan Weinstein
- Tia Metzger
- Phil Webster
Annual Reports
Environmental Sustainability Board Annual Report available to the public. Each December the board provides an annual report to the County Council and Executive.
*The appendix is not an official listing of priorities, but should be considered a sample of work areas that the board is interested in exploring.
Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Solar Task Force
Member List
- Jamie Brown - Agricultural Land Preservation Board
- Cathy Hudson - Agricultural Land Preservation Board
- Kevin Lucas - Maryland Clean Energy Advisory Council
- Franny Yuhas - MD-DC-DE-VA Solar Energy Industries Association
- Daniel Jacobs - Howard County Farm Bureau
- Howie Feaga (Alternate) - Howard County Farm Bureau
- Keith Ohlinger - Howard County Farm Bureau
- John Dove - Howard County Soil Conservation District
- Glen Brand - Maryland Sun (Solar United Neighbors)
- Kelly Hensing - Environmental Sustainability Board
- Amber Butler - Environmental Sustainability Board
- Leah Miller (Vice Chair) - Office of Community Sustainability
- James Zoller (Chair) - Office of Community Sustainability
- Amy Gowan - Department of Planning and Zoning
- Joy Levy - Department of Planning and Zoning