
Howard County provides residents with one free recycling cart for curbside recycling collection services. Trash containers are not provided and must be purchased by the resident.

Containers are assigned to each address and must remain at the home, even if the resident moves. Residents may put their street name and number on the container which will help it stay where it belongs. 


stacked recycling carts

Recycling Containers


Container Sizes

recycling cart dimensions


The County provides three recycling container size options:

  • 18 gallon open-top bin (13.5"H x 27.75"W x 17.6"D)
  • 35 gallon wheeled cart (39"H x 20"W x 23"D)
  • 65 gallon wheeled cart (41"H x 27"W x 28"D)

Repairs and Replacements


We will replace or repair broken or cracked County-issued recycling containers. Contact us for repairs and replacements.

Need a wheel? Recycling cart wheels are available at

  • Kendall Hardware (12260 Clarksville Pike)
  • Clarks ACE Hardware Columbia (8895 McGaw Road)
  • Bureau of Environmental Services (9801 Broken Land Parkway)

Purchase additional containers


Residents with County-provided curbside recycling service may purchase additional recycling containers. Containers are for residential recycling only. Please return the completed request form and payment to:

Check Payable To: Director of Finance

Mail payment to: Howard County Recycling Division, 9801 Broken Land Parkway, Columbia, MD 21046

Broken cart? Don't buy a new one. Contact us for repairs and replacements.

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