Complete Streets and Community Engagement

Community Engagement Plan
Please click here to review the most recent version of the Community Engagement Plan for Transportation Projects (dated 11.11.2021). All input that was received during the public comment period was considered in the final version of the Plan.

The County is trying to improve our outreach to community members. Please click here to help us expand the diversity of organizations we share meetings, surveys, and events with by providing us with your suggestions. Thank you.

Citizen's Guide to Community Engagement
Click here to see the section of the most recent Plan, Citizen's Guide to Community Engagement. 

Complete Streets Community Engagement Plan Workshops 

Workshop video
The County hosted two virtual Complete Streets Community Engagement Plan Workshops on September 23, 2020 for the public to learn more about Howard County’s Complete Streets initiative and the draft Community Engagement Plan. The public had the opportunity to ask questions and provide input to the Plan under development. Twenty-six members of the public attended the afternoon workshop, and 11 attended the evening workshop. A video of the Workshop is available here

Poll results
If you attended one of the two workshops and would like to see the results of the polls, please click here.

Questions and answers
Questions, comments, and responses from the workshops are available here.     

Events and Meetings

Complete Streets Design Manual Update. The Design Manual is a technical document that guides the design of Howard County streets. It is being updated and incorporates best practices and Complete Streets concepts. The Howard County Complete Streets Implementation Team is completing a draft version of the updated Complete Streets Design Manual for review and comment by the public. The draft Manual will be posted on the project webpage in early October. Two different types of workshops will be held on October 14 and 21, 2021 to review the updates as well. The public comment period will extend until October 28, 2021. Please visit the project webpage at: for more information on the Design Manual and workshops. All are welcome. 

Other Office of Transportation Public Meetings. Please visit the Howard County Office of Transportation homepage (under What's Happening and Events) to learn about upcoming public meetings on site-specific transportation planning projects. All are welcome. 

Additional Information

Howard County Complete Streets. For more information about Howard County's Complete Streets policy and implementation, click here   

Sign up. To sign up to receive notices about upcoming public meetings and events related to County transportation projects, please click here

Questions or comments. For questions concerning the Complete Streets Community Engagement Plan, requests for the previous draft of the Community Engagement Plan (dated 10.21.2020), or comments concerning specific transportation projects, please email us at:

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