HCDFRS offers presentations at local 50+ centers, faith based locations, and community buildings on topics like fire safety, fall prevention, etc. If you are interested in scheduling a presentation for your community, please contact us at: outreach@hcdfrs.org or 410-313-6000.

Community members may also schedule a home visit. A home visit is done by both a Risk Reduction Educator within the department. When a community member requests a home visit, the team will take a small tour of the house and discuss fire or fall risks that may be present in the home. We do not enforce any changes, but we may make suggestions for a safer environment. If you are interested in scheduling a home visit, please contact us at: outreach@hcdfrs.org or 410-313-6000.

As a part of this program, HCDFRS offers free smoke alarm installations to those in our community who are in need. You can learn more here.

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