A new behavioral health board named the Howard County Local Behavioral Health Advisory (HCLBHA) Board was formed July 1, 2018.
The Board meets monthly (with the exception of July). The Board's mission is to advise the County Health Officer and the County Executive of their responsibility to plan, manage and monitor Behavioral Health programs and services for Howard County Residents.
The HCLBHA Board will include a total of 28 members: 18 are appointed members for three-year terms. The Board consists of: 7 Consumers, 7 Family Members, 2 Professional/Provider/Advocates, 2 At Large, and 10 will be Ex-Officio members representing DSS, Public Defender’s Office, DCRS, State Attorney’s Office, Detention Center, Police Department, Circuit Court, DJS, Parole and Probation, and HCPSS. The importance of consumer/family member representation was a key focus in the development of the new board. Members and Ex-Officio members, all of whom have voting rights.
Board Information
Meeting Schedule/Upcoming Meetings
The Board meets monthly (with the exception of July). The Board's mission is to advise the County Health Officer and the County Executive of their responsibility to plan, manage and monitor Behavioral Health programs and services for Howard County Residents.
Upcoming Meetings:
March 12, 2025
April 9, 2025
May 14, 2025
Join via WebEx
- Meeting link:
- https://howardcountymd.webex.com/howardcountymd/j.php?MTID=m3e415c7274e9e93f1eefde9edd660124
- Meeting number:
- 231 053 30489
- Password:
- 22FhfvUSgT4
- Join by video system
Dial 23105330489@howardcountymd.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
- Join by phone
1-650-479-3207 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 231 053 30489
Board Members
The HCLBHA Board will include a total of 28 members: 18 are appointed members for five-year terms. The Board consists of: 7 Consumers, 7 Family Members, 2 Professional/Provider/Advocates, 2 At Large, and 10 will be Ex-Officio members representing DSS, Public Defender’s Office, DCRS, State Attorney’s Office, Detention Center, Police Department, Circuit Court, DJS, Parole and Probation, and HCPSS. The importance of consumer/family member representation was a key focus in the development of the new board. Members and Ex-Officio members, all of whom have voting rights.
- Barbara Allen
- Michele Brown
- Dana Couch
- Mark Donovan
- Janet Edelman
- Ayesha Holmes
- Victoria Myles
- Kelly Proctor
- Dr. Gina Santoro
- Joan Webb Scornaienchi
- Narrisa Solaki
- Dr. Andre’a Watkins
- John Way
- Dr. Orlando Wright
- Vacant (Consumer/MH)
- Vacant (Consumer/SUD)
- Vacant (Consumer/SUD)
- Vacant (Consumer/SUD)