P.E.A.C.E. Project

The Perinatal Equity and Care for Everyone (P.E.A.C.E.) Project provides clients, families and professionals with information about prenatal, postpartum and infant resources available in Howard County. Anyone in Howard County is eligible to request a referral through this program.

The Perinatal Care Navigator assists clients, families or providers in determining which services best meet the client’s needs and interests. The navigator will then link the client to community resources/services and will follow-up on the outcome of the referral. For more information about this project, email HCHDpeace@howardcountymd.gov or call 410-313-7540.

hands holding pregnant belly

Diaper Giveaway

The PEACE Project is hosting upcoming FREE diaper giveaways at the North Laurel Community Center, Chesapeake Room (9411 Whiskey Bottom Rd., Laurel, MD) from 10:30a - 12:30p (while supplies last) on the following date: April 1. Walk-in only; no registration required. Our PEACE Project team will be on-hand to answer questions and provide resources for other pregnancy needs.


We connect clients with:  

  • Pregnancy resources  
  • Home visiting referral 
  • Locating a provider/specialist 
  • Vaccinations
  • WIC referral 
  • Parenting support resources  
  • Emotional/mental health resources  
  • Links to community resources 
  • Assistance locating childcare 
  • Childbirth/parenting education  
  • Teen parenting support referral 
  • Insurance eligibility 
  • Pregnancy options counseling
  • Pregnancy loss support

This service is provided at no cost and there are are no income or medical requirements. Please fill out this referral form to connect with us using the new look P.E.A.C.E. Project Interest Form.


Meet Your Perinatal Care Navigator

Perinatal Care Navigator headshot

Nayanie Henriquez is our perinatal care navigator. She provides support to birthing clients and clients who have recently given birth. In her role as the perinatal care navigator, she facilitates client wellness and self-advocacy through care coordination, planning, education, and resource management. Nayanie is also a full spectrum doula. In her role as a doula, she holds space for birthers to be seen, heard, and understood. She became a doula after experiencing the loss of her angel baby Madison in 2013. It is her passion to serve and advocate for underserved communities. Nayanie is a single mother of two. When she is not working, she loves to cook, read, travel, and educate herself.

Doula Services


What is a Doula?


The word Doula is defined as "a woman who serves." A Doula is trained to provide emotional, physical and informational support during pregnancy, birth and postpartum (after birth). Doulas help support you in the birth experience you desire. They encourage, assist and guide you and your family through an empowering birth experience.

Doulas have been proven to:
• Decrease the number of c-sections
• Decrease the need for medical pain management
• Decrease the use of epidural
• Decrease the time during labor
• Decrease the feelings of a negative birth experience


Interested in Using a Doula?


Free Doula services are available to eligible families in Howard County. Contact the PEACE Project program coordinator for more information and a referral at 410-313-7540 or HCHDpeace@howardcountymd.gov.

MOMCares was founded in 2017 with a mission to combat the Black Maternal mortality rate crisis in the Baltimore region. By providing compassionate care to historically under-supported mothers, MOMCares has supported over 100 families in Baltimore City. They are the only organization in Maryland that provides no cost doula services and have now partnered with Howard County Health Department to bring those services to our community as well!

Visit the MOMCares website for more information.

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