September 22, 2020

Media Contacts:
Scott Peterson, Director of Communications, Office of Public Information, 202-277-9412
Chris Eatough, Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator, Office of Transportation, 410-313-0567

Public also invited to submit feedback on draft plan online until September 30th 

ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County Executive Calvin Ball invites the public to join the Complete Streets Implementation Team on Wednesday, September 23rd for two virtual public workshops, which follow the release of the County’s draft Complete Streets Community Engagement Plan. The workshops will take place at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on the 23rd and last about an hour; note, each workshop will cover the same material. At each workshop, participants will learn more about the County’s Complete Streets initiative and key elements of the draft engagement plan. To register for a workshop, click here.

“We know that reliable public transportation and safety for our pedestrians and cyclists continues to be a concern for many of our residents,” said Ball. “I encourage residents to join the Complete Streets Implementation Team to help us hear your ideas, thoughts and concerns to help ensure we provide safe, accessible and reliable infrastructure for all.” 

In October 2019, the County adopted the Complete Streets Policy. The policy strives to ensure the county is a place where individuals of all backgrounds, ages and abilities can live and travel freely, safely and comfortably whether by foot, bicycle, public transportation or automobile. Over the past year, the Implementation Team has worked hard to develop the draft plan and other elements of the policy.  

In addition to the two workshops, the public is also invited to provide comment on the draft plan, on areas such as identifying barriers to public participation in transportation efforts, feedback on how the County should communicate and engage with the public and additional organizations with whom the County should partner. Public comment is being accepted now through Wednesday, September 30th. 

Following the workshops and public comment period, the Implementation Team will finalize the engagement plan and present highlights to the Howard County Council in November. The final engagement plan will serve as the standard for County use in community outreach for transportation project planning and implementation.

More information about the County’s Complete Streets Policy and the draft Complete Streets Community Engagement Plan can be found online. If you have any questions about the policy, the draft plan and/or public workshops, contact the Office of Transportation at   

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