ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County Executive Calvin Ball today announced he will fully fund Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) and its Board of Education’s (BOE) Fiscal Year 2026 (FY26) Capital Budget request. The FY26 Capital Budget for HCPSS will be $100,644,000, with $66,745,000 coming from the County and $33,899,000 from the State. This brings the County’s total capital investment in HCPSS Capital needs to a record $575,657,000 over the last six years, representing nearly 50% of all capital investments towards Howard County Public Schools during the last fifteen years. Photos from the announcement can be found on the County's Flickr webpage.
For an historic fourth year in a row, today, I am excited to announce that I am fully funding the HCPSS and BOE’s FY26 capital budget request. This takes our total investment to more than $100 million in funding this year. This sizable investment would not be possible without the commitment of our partners at every level. Thank you to Superintendent Barnes, Board Chair Mosley, and the entire BOE for putting forth a strong and attainable budget that puts safety, critical infrastructure, and deferred maintenance as major needs. Thank you to our State delegation and partners who are constantly fighting for Howard County to secure and maximize all possible funding.
In partnership with the Interagency Commission on School Construction, HCPSS and BOE, the County recently identified $4.4 million in Enrollment Growth and Relocatable Classroom (EGRC) state funding available to Howard County that was at risk of expiring in 2026. The EGRC program provides additional funding to Local Education Agencies that have high enrollment growth or depend on a significant number of relocatable classrooms. After identifying this additional funding, Ball filed Council Resolution (CR) 63-2025, a supplemental budget request adding more than $9.1 million in critical projects to the Board’s initial budget request, which maximizes available state funding for school construction this fiscal year. This supplemental request was approved by the Board of Education on February 27, 2025, and Ball’s CR63-2025 was approved by the Howard County Council on March 12, 2025.
I appreciate the members of the Board of Education, County Executive Ball, members of the County Council, State legislative officials, and the Interagency Commission on School Construction for their continued efforts to meet the expectations we have for spaces we want to work and send our children. I also want to uplift the many student, staff, family and community advocates who provided passionate testimony, participated in public meetings, and made clear your calls to action. The process, and outcomes, are so much stronger when done collaboratively, and I value every person who took the time to participate in, and influence, the capital budget process.
This FY26 Capital Budget includes $6,694,000 in County funding towards the Dunloggin Middle School renovation and addition project. Expected to be complete in September 2030, this long-awaited and requested project will feature a major building renovation that will add 136 seats of new capacity. Once completed, the total estimated cost of this project is $85,553,000.
Additionally, the budget also includes $12,631,000 in County funding and $10 million in State funding for Oakland Mills Middle School renovation and addition project. Expected to be completed in September 2029, this project entails a full building renovation that will add nearly 200 seats of new capacity in the middle school. The total estimated cost of the project is $81,578,000.
"I commend the students, staff, family members, and community members who advocate so passionately and uplift the needs of our buildings," said Jolene Mosley, Board of Education Chair. "The Board of Education listened to the passionate voices in our community and collectively uplifted the priorities in the capital budget request. I appreciate the ongoing collaboration and prioritization of the capital needs of our system with County Executive Ball and members of the County Council."
In addition to these major renovation and capacity projects, the FY26 Capital Budget for HCPSS will include more than $52.5 million to address systemic renovations and modernizations of school facilities. Furthermore, $13.3 million will be utilized to make critical roofing repairs and replacements at HCPSS facilities.
“I am delighted that we are able to request an additional State match for much needed systemic projects,” said Councilmember Deb Jung. “Let’s keep up the good work and let’s keep setting aside funds to keep our buildings well maintained.”