Joint Press Release:

Baltimore County Health Department
Howard County Health Department
St. Mary’s County Health Department

LEONARDTOWN, MD (November 9, 2023) - Three County Health Officers have been appointed by Governor Wes Moore to serve on Maryland's new Commission on Public Health. St. Mary’s County Health Officer Dr. Meena Brewster, Howard County Health Officer Dr. Maura J. Rossman, and Baltimore County Health Officer Dr. Gregory Wm. Branch will serve on the 16-member Commission authorized by the Maryland General Assembly and charged with assessing and recommending improvements to the delivery of public health services in Maryland. Dr. Brewster has been appointed Co-Chair of the Commission along with Dr. Boris Lushniak, Dean and Professor of the University of Maryland School of Public Health, and Dr. Oluwatosin Olateju, Assistant Professor with Coppin State University School of Nursing.

The Commission is tasked with assessing the foundational public health capabilities of state and local health departments in Maryland and analyzing the state’s ability to respond to major public health challenges. The Commission will make recommendations for reform in several areas, including: the organization of public health departments; information technology, information exchange, and data analytics; workforce; procurement; funding; and communication and public engagement.

“This commission’s work will be critical to improving Maryland’s public health infrastructure and our readiness for the major public health challenges of today and the future,” said Dr. Meena Brewster, St. Mary’s County Health Officer and Co-Chair for the Commission on Public Health. "Every Marylander deserves the most effective public health system working on their behalf."

It is crucial that we ensure the resilience of our public health infrastructure and the state's preparedness to tackle major health challenges,” said Dr. Maura J. Rossman, Howard County Health Officer. "I look forward to working with my fellow commissioners to enhance our state's ability to respond effectively to the ever-evolving public health landscape."

“I am excited by the charge of this Commission to bring together government, community organizations and businesses,” said Dr. Gregory Wm. Branch, Baltimore County Health Officer. “The work we will do is vitally important for preventing disease, improving wellbeing, increasing health equity and making Maryland a healthier state for all of our residents.” 

For more information on the Maryland Commission on Public Health, please visit

Media Contacts
Lisa M. de Hernández, CCPH, MPIO, PIO3-AH, Director, Communications & Public Information

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