September 17, 2020

Media Contact:

Scott Peterson, Director of Communications, Office of Public Information, 202-277-9412

Million dollar project to create three single-family, energy-efficient, net-zero housing units being created for County’s most vulnerable residents

ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County Executive Calvin Ball joined Senator Guy Guzzone, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Regional Administrator Joseph DeFelice and Field Office Director Carol Bryant Payne, iHomes President Judi Olinger, Standard Energy Solutions, President & CEO Steve Welsh, along with members of the Howard County Department of Housing and Community Development and the Howard County Housing Board for a groundbreaking of the Greenfields Community Living Project in Jessup, MD. This project is an investment of nearly $1 million dollars ($990,000). iHomes, Inc. a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization and certified Community Housing Development Corporation (CHDO) will utilize a variety of funding sources for the construction of three single-family, energy-efficient, net-zero housing units. Each house will contain three bedrooms, therefore providing housing to nine (9) individuals. To view pictures of this event, please click here(link is external).

“The Greenfields Community Living Project provides safe, affordable, and sustainable housing options for our most vulnerable residents,” said County Executive Calvin Ball. “We are using an innovative model to transition a site that was previously occupied by 3 vacant and blighted homes into accessible and affordable housing for persons with developmental and intellectual disabilities in Howard County. We are thankful for the partnership support we have received from HUD, the State of Maryland and our incredible affordable housing community of advocates. We know that through our continued collaboration, we will continue to improve the quality of life for all our residents and create more equitable communities.”

“I am so excited about this project, it has all that is right and good for our community,” said Senator Guy Guzzone. “On behalf of the Howard County General Assembly delegation, we played a small part in this and we are thrilled to be a part of this group that had the tenacity to make this happen. We congratulate and appreciate all the entities involved.”

The future residents of the Greenfields Community Living Project (GCLP) will be some of the County’s most vulnerable residents; of very low income earning thirty percent or below of the HUD Baltimore- Columbia- Towson area median income, and have a diagnosed disability, varying from Autism Spectrum disorder, Down Syndrome, traumatic brain injury and/or other intellectual disorders. This project is a remarkable demonstration of utilizing public and private funding to create quality energy efficient affordable housing for this vulnerable population.

“iHomes, Inc., the County’s only CHDO, is at the forefront of creating affordable housing for persons with developmental and intellectual disabilities,” said Kelly Cimino, Director, Howard County Department of Housing. “Since 2012, the County and iHomes have partnered to create housing for over 20 vulnerable individuals and invested almost $810,000 in HOME Program funds in housing projects for the residents they serve. We appreciate HUD’s support of innovative housing projects like Greenfields and want to thank Joseph DeFelice of the HUD Philadelphia office and Carol Payne of the HUD Baltimore office for attending the event today.”

“This has been an incredible example of successful public, private and non-profit partnerships and the significant impact that can be made in creating quality affordable housing for low income Howard County residents, said Judi Olinger, President, iHomes, Inc. “The net zero housing we are creating will not only serve this community but be a model to be used throughout this County, State and Country.”

Through the County’s annual entitlement allocation from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), this project is funded with Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program funds, the County’s Community Renewal MIHU fee-in-lieu funds, State Bond financing, and discretionary funds from the Weinberg Foundation. 

“Today’s groundbreaking is a testament to what we can achieve through public-private partnerships,” said Joe DeFelice, Regional Administrator of HUD’s Mid-Atlantic region. “I’m proud more than $400,000 in HUD funding will help people with disabilities live independently in their community. As the nation continues to battle COVID-19, our focus will remain on protecting the most vulnerable communities and uplifting them in economic recovery.”

Upon completion, the units will be available for immediate occupancy. These units will be owned and managed by iHomes, Inc. as single-room occupancy (SRO) units and every resident will have a lease and pay rent for his/her own room and the use of communal spaces. Residency in these affordable units will also include wrap-around services provided by Humanim, Inc., such as enrollment in adult day programs, independent living training, physical rehabilitation, and teaching job readiness skills.

“We at Standard Energy Solutions are proud to have been selected as the developer for the Greenfields community,” said Standard Energy Solutions, President & CEO Steve Welsh. “The collaboration between the various public and private organizations involved in this project paves a new path, developing a new model for what is possible when we combine passions for our community, our environment and our mission.”

For more information about this project, please contact the Howard County Department of Housing at (410) 313-6318.

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