
Howard County is one of the most outstanding places to live, work, and play, because our residents are dedicated to civic engagement, community advocacy, and collective care.

Our volunteer commissioners and board members are guaranteed a seat at the table to provide policy, program, and implementation recommendations that push our government forward. Board members and commissioners are currently making an impact by protecting public interest in areas such as the environment, human rights, development, and inclusive government services.  

    Serve on a Board or Commission


    Application Process


    Browse the list of boards and commissions guiding Howard County government below, and click "Apply to Serve" for those that are currently accepting applications.

    Please note many boards and commissions store interested applicants even when there is not an open position. You will receive a notification when your application is being reviewed for an open position. 

    The names of eligible applicants will be submitted to the County Executive for consideration. If selected, the appointment will be forwarded to the County Council for their review and confirmation.


    Redacted Resume and Letter of Interest Instructions


    To complete the Apply to Serve application, you must include your redacted resume and cover letter. Personal information collected throughout the application form is used for internal verification purposes only. However, the redacted resume and letter of interest may be made public through the County Council process.

    Therefore, the following instructions help us protect your privacy and expedite the process:

    Redacted Resume

    • Should include: your name, relevant experience
    • Should not include: home address, phone number(s), email
    • You may choose to include or exclude specific details such as cities or sales numbers at your discretion. 

    Letter of Interest

    • Brief letter explaining why you want to serve and how you see yourself contributing. 
    • Please indicate which qualification you may meet. 

    If you have questions or concerns regarding these instructions, please email ApplyBC@howardcountymd.gov. Our team is happy to assist you. 




    Citizens who commit to serving three year terms as a volunteer on a board or commission play a vital role in ensuring diverse lived experiences and expertise remain a central component of Howard County government operations. 

    Each board and commission has different and specific functions. However, all board members and commissioners are responsible for attending meetings (ranging from biweekly to bimonthly) and fulfilling the purpose and duties as outlined in the County Code

    Responsibilities can include proposing recommendations to the County Executive and County Council, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of county processes, and ensuring Howard County remains the best place to live, work, and play. Some responsibilities even include key funding decisions that require a Financial Disclosure Statement to ensure fairness. 

    Please learn more about each board and commission by exploring their webpages linked below. People who are high school-aged and older are all welcome to serve. 

    Government Boards & Commissions


    Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance Review Committee


    The Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO) Review Committee considers and provides recommended changes to the County’s Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, local government legislation designed to pace new development with public infrastructure, particularly public roads and schools. The Review Committee will meet approximately 16-18 times between August of 2024 and May of 2025. With the help of Department of Planning & Zoning staff and outside experts, the Committee will develop a shared understanding of the current APFO processes, consider models from other jurisdictions, evaluate topics raised in General Plan policies, and deliberate on recommended changes to the County’s APFO. 


    Administrative Charging Committee


    The ACC is a body that was formed as part of the Police Accountability Act of 2021. This Committee reviews investigatory files and determines whether an officer should be administratively charged once a complaint is filed against that officer.


    Adult Public Guardianship Review Board


    The Board provides impartial oversight of the care and services provided for individuals under public guardianship. The Board makes a recommendation to the court as to whether the public guardianship should be continued, modified, or terminated.


    Adult-Use Cannabis Advisory Panel


    The Adult-Use Advisory Panel studies the implementation of adult-use cannabis in the County and make recommendations on how the County can promote health, public safety, business, and social and racial equity in the adult-use market. 


    Advisory Board on Consumer Protection


    The Advisory Board on Consumer Protection works with the Howard County Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) to educate and protect Howard County consumers. Board members provide feedback and recommendations on OCP's programs, alert the OCP Administrator to problems and concerns they witness in their communities and assist OCP staff to educate county residents about the services that the office provides. The Board submits an annual report to the County Executive and County Council. 


    Affordable Housing Working Group


    The Working Group will define the criteria for affordable and accessible housing, including physical factors such as unit type, size, or physical accessibility design criteria.


    Agricultural Preservation Board


    The Howard County Agricultural Preservation Board (APB) consists of seven board members from the local farming community. Board meetings take place throughout the year on matters related to the Agricultural Land Preservation Program (ALPP) and the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation (MALPF).


    Animal Matters Hearing Board


    The Animal Matters Hearing Board hears and renders decisions on appeals for various violations of animal control laws, issues orders and declarations related to enforcement of animal control laws and makes recommendations on standards and procedures for the operation of the animal control facilities.


    Asian American & Pacific Islander Commission


    The Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Commission advises the Howard County Executive on policy initiatives and advocates on issues that affect the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.


    Board of Elections


    The mission of the Board of Elections is to ensure federal, state and local elections are conducted timely, responsibly, and with the highest level of professional election standards, accountability, security and integrity, intended to earn and maintain public confidence in the electoral process.


    Board of Electrical Examiners


    The Board of Electrical Examiners make recommendations to the Director of Inspections, Licenses & Permits, the County Executive and the County Council on all matters relating to electrical work in Howard County, including the conduct of electrical business and licenses.


    Board of Health


    The Board has general responsibility for the health and sanitary interests of the people of the County and works in accord with the County Council to ensure the health and safety of those in Howard County.


    Board of Library Trustees


    The board establishes policies, approves budgets, and ensures that the Howard County Library System fulfills its mission of delivering high-quality public education for all ages.


    Board to Promote Self Sufficiency


    The Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency (BPSS) acts as a planning and coordinating body for initiatives that promote the economic stability of individuals and families and reduce the incidence of poverty in Howard County.


    Cable Advisory Committee


    To advise the Executive and Council on matters related to the use of cable television system.


    Cemetery Preservation Advisory Board


    The Cemetery Preservation Advisory Board (CPAB) meets bi-monthly (six times) at 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043.


    Citizens’ Election Fund Commission


    A voluntary program for small donor financing of County Executive and County Council candidate campaigns.


    Coalition to End Homelessness Board


    The CoC is defined as “the local planning body that coordinates housing and support services funding for homeless families and individuals.”


    Commission on Aging


    The Commission accomplishes its work through the activities of task forces and committees, researches legislation at the county and state level that impacts the health and wellbeing of older adults and their families, and provides testimony when appropriate.


    Commission on Disabilities


    The Howard County Commission on Disabilities (CoD) was established by statute in 1988 to increase public awareness of disability-related issues; serve in an advisory capacity on County Government programs, policies, and budget; and assist County Government to ensure compliance with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.


    Commission for Transitioning Students With Disabilities


    The Howard County Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities was established by statute in September 2016 to advise the county government in establishing an effective, efficient, and comprehensive delivery of services that will most successfully meet the transition needs of Howard County students with disabilities as they transition from high school to postsecondary education, employment, and adult life.


    Commission for Veterans & Military Families


    Established in 2011 by County legislation, the Commission is comprised of 13 members, and created to support veterans and military families by strengthening Howard County’s capacity to care for them. By connecting them to available resources, promoting educational and employment opportunities, and continuing community outreach efforts, we are committed to honoring our veteran and military families.


    Commission for Women


    The Howard County Commission for Women was established by statute in 1980 to promote the economic, social and political equality of women. The Commission has the authority to conduct studies, review progress, recommend action, and carry out activities to support this purpose.


    Design Advisory Panel


    The Design Advisory Panel (DAP) process encourages excellence in project architecture and site design to improve design compatibility with surrounding development, promote revitalization, and enhance property values.


    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission


    The Howard County Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission (MLK) was established by order of the Howard County Executive to encourage and coordinate appropriate ceremonies and activities honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. Commissioners are appointed by the County Executive to serve an initial term of two years.


    Economic Development Authority Board of Directors


    The Howard County Economic Development Authority reports to a private-sector-led Board of Directors. The Board has fiduciary oversight and is responsible for strategic direction of the HCEDA.


    Environmental Sustainability Board


    The Environmental Sustainability Board formed in 2007 as a recommendation of the Commission on the Environment and Sustainability. The Board is a smaller version of the Commission, maintaining the diverse membership. Consisting of 13 members, the Board assists in the implementation of the County’s environmental agenda, providing both advice and review. Board members include experts in energy, air/water quality, environmental governance, community outreach and education, transit, green building, and environmental health.


    Equal Business Opportunity Commission


    To assist the efforts of the county in procuring goods and services from minority business enterprises, women business enterprises and disabled business enterprises pursuant to the County’s Equal Business Opportunity Program, and to monitor the activities of the Economic Development Authority to determine its efforts to include equal business opportunity concerns in its activities and programs.


    Ethics Commission


    The Commission is responsible for administering the Howard County Public Ethics Law with respect to all public officials, officers and employees.


    Flag Commission


    After 50 years, the time has come to update and modernize one of the few official symbols of our county to better align it with present values. The Howard County Flag Commission was formed January 2024 to lead the public process to solicit, evaluate, and recommend design submissions for the County’s new flag design.


    Gateway Master Plan Advisory Committee


    The Committee’s input will help ensure that the future vision for Gateway considers all the essential components of an innovation district.


    Historic Preservation Commission


    The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) provides advice to Howard County agencies, Boards, Commissions, and property owners regarding historic sites and historic districts and is the steward of the historic preservation plan.


    Housing & Community Development Board


    The Board serves as an advisory board to the Department of Housing and Community Development.


    Human Rights Commission


    The duties and responsibilities of the Human Rights Commission include recommending a civil rights policy to the County Executive and the County Council, as well as having the authority to conduct surveys and studies concerning civil liberties in order to promote equality in the community.


    Human Trafficking Prevention Coordination Council


    Please click the button below to learn more.


    Interfaith Advisory Council


    The Howard County Interfaith Advisory Council is established to address religious intolerance, enhance community support, and coordinate services for at-risk populations through interfaith collaboration and dialogue.


    Internal Affairs Hearing Board


    Please click the button below to learn more.


    La Alianza Latina Commission


    The goal of the commission isto promote diversity and civility and address many of the concerns and struggles that the Latino and immigrant communities experience.


    LGBTQIA+ Commission


    County Executive Calvin Ball signed an Executive Order to create an LGBTQ+ (Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+) Workgroup to promote the shared community values of diversity and civility.


    Local Behavioral Health Advisory Board


    Please click the link below to learn more.


    Local Children's Board


    The Howard County Local Children's Board comprises public and private members working collaboratively to ensure a strong continuum of services for families and children in our community.


    Multimodal Transportation Board


    The Multimodal Transportation Board advises the County Executive and County Administration on transportation matters, particularly involving the County’s local bus system contractor, the Regional Transportation Agency.


    Opioid Restitution Fund Commission


    The Opioid Restitution Fund Commission replaces the previous Opioid Collaborative Community Council to help plan for settlements funds awarded from opioid manufacturers. National litigation against opioid manufactures began in December 2017 and Howard County filed its own lawsuit in May 2019. States and their subdivisions reached a settlement agreement with the defendants in February 2022. As a result of that settlement, Howard County received approximately $230,000 in December 2022, and is expected to receive $12.3 million over the next 15-to-20 years. The settlement payments will be deposited into an Opioid Abatement Fund established by the County.

    As the commission is being established (including meeting frequency and location) please refer to the council agenda and minutes below. 


    Pension Oversight Commission


    The Commission shall submit an annual report of the status of the County employees' and Police and Fire employees’ retirement plans to the County Executive and the County Council. The County Council shall review and accept by Resolution the annual report submitted by the Commission. The Commission shall also review and comment on all legislation related to the County's retirement plans.


    Personnel Board


    The Personnel Board reviews changes to the County’s Classification and Pay Plans; reviews rules prepared by the Personnel Officer that provide for the appointment, promotion, demotion, and separation of employees on the basis of merit; hears and decides appeals filed by classified employees and applicants; and reviews and comments on the Employee Manual.


    Planning Board


    The Planning Board makes recommendations to the County Council and Zoning Board on all matters relating to planning and zoning, including Zoning Map Amendments and Zoning Regulation Amendments.


    Plumbing Advisory Board


    To make recommendations to the Director of Inspections, Licenses & Permits, the County Executive and the County Council in all matters relating to the conduct of the plumbing business in Howard County.


    Police Accountability Board


    The board will work with law enforcement agencies to review outcomes of complaint investigations, policy, and determine trends that could improve policing.


    Property Tax Assessment Appeals Board


    Please click the link below to learn more.


    Public Facilities & Spaces Report Evaluation & Action Commission


    The Commission will review the Public Spaces Commission Report released last year, implement a strategic plan to obtain community feedback, complete a report making recommendation based on rubric, research and community feedback.


    Public Spaces Commission


    Please click the link below to learn more.


    Public Works Board


    The Public Works Board makes recommendations to the County Executive and County Council about plans and policies under jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works.


    Recreation & Parks Advisory Board


    This Advisory Board provides recommendations relating to plans, policies and programs for public recreation. It reviews plans for and hold hearings on the acquisition and development of land for public recreation and open space.


    Revenue Authority


    To finance, or operate cultural, recreational (excluding golf courses), and parking facilities. All members must be Howard County residents.


    Social Services Board


    The Howard County Social Services Board is a voluntary board of dedicated community members who are personally interested in the welfare of the county's most vulnerable populations. The board supports the Howard County Department of Social Services in providing services to abused and neglected children, parents that find themselves facing overwhelming obstacles to success, vulnerable adults, and economically disadvantaged individuals and families. 


    Soil Conservation District


    Please click the link below to learn more.


    Workforce Development Board


    The boards primary responsibility is to provide guidance, and oversight to the local workforce development system through the Howard County Office of Workforce Development.

    County Council Boards


    Alcoholic Beverage Hearing Board


    Responsible for issuing and revoking licenses to sell alcoholic beverages and assuring adherence to Maryland laws and the county's rules and regulations pertaining to the sale of alcoholic beverages.


    Board of Appeals


    The Howard County Board of Appeals hears appeals of administrative decisions regarding land use and certain zoning matters.


    Hearing Examiner


    A Hearing Examiner, appointed by the County Council, may hear any case falling within the authority of the Board of Appeals. Decisions of the hearing examiner may be appealed to the Board of Appeals.


    Zoning Board


    The Council Members serve as the Zoning Board, which has the authority under County law for denying or granting an individual request for a piecemeal map amendment or approving or disapproving a development plan.

    Other Groups, Councils, & Workgroups


    Bicycle Advisory Group


    The Bicycle Advisory Group (BAG) was established by Howard County Code Section 6.408 to "advise the County Executive and County Administration" on matters of bicycle transportation, particularly the implementation of the Bicycle Master Plan.


    Columbia Downtown Housing Corporation


    The Columbia Downtown Housing Corporation (CDHC), serves as the Downtown Columbia Housing Foundation as per Title 28, Subtitle 2 of the Howard County Code.


    Emergency Food and Shelter Program Local Board


    The Emergency Food and Shelter Program Local Board are convened in qualifying jurisdictions to determine the highest need and best use of funds and to select Local Recipient Organizations that will provide emergency food and shelter services. Each year, needs are to be assessed to respond to changes in the community.


    Harriet Tubman Advisory Council


    Please click the link below to learn more.


    HB 1450 Revenue Options Taskforce


    The Howard County Task Force to Study Revenue Options for School Capital Needs was created by the Maryland General Assembly to study and identify ways to better fund the Howard County Public School System’s capital needs, including construction, renovation, and similar projects. The task force meets on Wednesdays one to two times a month.


    HCPD Citizens Advisory Council


    The council works under the auspices of the Chief of Police and fosters transparency and two-way communication between the HCPD and the citizens of Howard County.


    HCPD Youth Advisory Council


    The Youth Advisory Council was established in order to provide Howard County youth with a safe and engaging environment to interact with their peers and their local police officers. Through this program, youth will not only learn about law enforcement, but will have an opportunity to give feedback and ideas to the Howard County Police Department.


    HoCo250 Planning Group


    Established by Executive Order 2024-11, the HoCo250 Planning Group will assist with the planning of celebrations across Howard County through events, projects, and activities that reflect their unique history and contributions to the national and local story.


    Housing Opportunities Trust Fund Advisory Committee


    Please click the link below to learn more.


    Howard County Early Childhood Advisory Council


    The Howard County Early Childhood Advisory Council supports the care, education and health of our youngest learners.


    Howard County Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team


    The mission of HCDVFRT is to attempt to reduce domestic violence; specifically, domestic-related fatalities and near fatalities in our county through a multi-disciplinary review of our response to domestic violence in our community.


    Retirement Plan Committee


    The Howard County Retirement Plan and the Howard County Police and Fire Employees' Retirement Plan are administered by committees made up of designated employees as outlined in the County Code.


    Spending Affordability Advisory Committee


    The Spending Affordability Advisory Committee presents its budget recommendations to the County Executive on or before March 1 of every year.


    Youth Engagement Leadership Workgroup


    The Youth Engagement Leadership Workgroup is a newly established workgroup to ensure young people have a seat at the table. 

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