Howard County Early Childhood Advisory Council
The Howard County Early Childhood Advisory Council supports the care, education and health of our youngest learners.
Graphical Information Systems (GIS)
The Graphical Information Systems (GIS) Division supports the creation, standardization, storage, and dissemination of geographical data for all County departments.
Human Resources

The Office of Human Resources (OHR) coordinates the administration of all personnel related tasks for Howard County Government. The office actively promotes a philosophy of equal opportunity for all through the impartial application of rules and regulations pertaining to hiring, promotion, training, compensation, and benefits.
Emergency Food and Shelter Program Local Board
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Community Sustainability

The Howard County Office of Community Sustainability aims to protect and enhance the quality of life in our communities by addressing environmental and economic issues affecting County citizens and future generations. Guided by principles of science, ingenuity, sustainability and stewardship, the Office engages in water quality, economic development, agriculture, energy and education initiatives.
Fire and Rescue Services

We are a combination system of nearly 900 career and volunteer providers operating from 13 stations across Howard County. The department is located between Baltimore City and the District of Columbia and provides and receives automatic aid to and from our surrounding partners in Prince George's, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Montgomery and Frederick counties. The department is statutorily responsible for the administration of the affairs for the county in fire suppression and prevention, fire training, arson investigation, rescue services and emergency medical services.
Sheriff's Office
The Howard County Sheriff's Office has been in existence and serving the citizens of Howard County since 1851. The Sheriff's Office offers a broad range of law enforcement services, such as Judicial Security, Summons Service, Warrant Service & Fugitive Retrieval, Domestic Violence Service & Assistance, Prisoner Transportation, and Landlord/Tenant Services.
Inspector General Advisory Board
Please add a simple sentence to describe what this committee does and is responsible for.
Gateway Master Plan Advisory Committee
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Interfaith Advisory Council
The Howard County Interfaith Advisory Council is established to address religious intolerance, enhance community support, and coordinate services for at-risk populations through interfaith collaboration and dialogue.
Equal Business Opportunity Commission
Public Information
The Office of Public Information guarantees that residents, employees and the public at-large, are kept accurately informed of county government services, activities and programs in a timely, effective and efficient manner.
Design Advisory Panel
Disability Services
The Office of Disability Services strives to promote the self-sufficiency and well-being of people with disabilities through information, referral, advocacy and education. The goal of the Office is to serve as a critical link to a network of community services focused on ensuring that those living with disabilities who reside and/or work in Howard County have the supports they need to be successful.
Local Children's Board
Human Rights Commission
Administrative Charging Committee
State Delegation
Board of Elections
The mission of the Board of elections is to ensure federal, state and local elections are conducted timely, responsibly, and with the highest level of professional election standards, accountability, security and integrity, intended to earn and maintain public confidence in the electoral process.