ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County Executive Calvin Ball has announced the appointment of Howard County’s first-ever Youth Poet Laureate, Mai-Anh Nguyen, at Busboys and Poets in Columbia. Photos of the event can be found here.

Congratulations to Mai-Anh on her appointment as Howard County’s inaugural Youth Poet Laureate. As a skilled writer and poet, Mai-Anh will play an important artistic role in our community, enhancing and uplifting poetry among our young people. I want to thank HoCoPoLitSo and the Arts Council for their continued efforts to cultivate a strong literary community and encourage our next generation of writers and poets in Howard County.

Calvin Ball
Howard County Executive

Nguyen is a student at Oakland Mills High School, active in the Youth Climate Institute, National Art Honors Society, National Spanish Honor Society, tennis and theater. Nguyen won the Jack Chalker Young Writer’s Contest and was a finalist for both the Nancy Thorp Poetry Contest and Bennington Young Writers Awards. She received unanimous support from the Review Panel to become the first Youth Poet Laureate.

Through this position, I look forward to (hopefully) making poetry cool again. Not just poetry, but literature and reading in general, because the empathy and imagination that we gain from peeking into others’ brains is invaluable. I am so grateful that I’ve been given this opportunity and that I’m able to stand before you all today, and in this coming year I will be working towards that vision.

Mai-Anh Nguyen
Howard County’s Youth Poet Laureate

The Review Panel noted Nguyen’s poetry demonstrated sophistication, skill, and knowledge of contemporary poetry. Her language showcases poetry’s unique strengths to capture an audience and connect people, which will be instrumental in developing and defining the inaugural Youth Poet Laureate position.

The county’s inaugural Youth Poet Laureate program was launched in 2023 in partnership with the Howard County Arts Council and the Howard County Poetry & Literature Society (HoCoPoLitSo). The program aims to amplify the power of youth expression, celebrate community, and promote literary arts in Howard County.

“The Arts Council is thrilled with the announcement of Mai-Anh Nguyen as Howard County’s inaugural Youth Poet Laureate,” said Coleen West, Executive Director of the Howard County Arts Council. “This program is a celebration of youth voices and a wonderful opportunity for our youth to step into the role of arts ambassador. I look forward to supporting Mai-Anh as she inspires our community and helps shape the future of the Youth Poet Laureate program.”

“HoCoPoLitSo, which is celebrating its 50th year anniversary of cultivating audiences for world-class contemporary literature, was given the privilege of choosing the Youth Poet Laureate Program panel of judges, who are some of the finest poets and poetry educators in our region -- Naomi Ayala, Steven Leyva, and Joseph Ross. Their recommendations were sent forward to Dr. Ball for his consideration and ultimate selection,” said Tara Hart, co-chair of the board of directors for HoCoPoLitSo. “Knowing poetry’s power to connect a community and the inspiring possibilities that diverse young voices represent, HoCoPoLitSo is excited to engage with and learn from the inaugural youth poet laureate at county events this academic year.”

The Youth Poet Laureate will act as an ambassador for literacy, arts, and youth expression in Howard County. The Youth Poet Laureate will demonstrate a passion for poetry and its power to connect our communities through local public readings and participation in civic events. In this role, the Youth Poet Laureate will also coordinate readings and literary events with the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) and Howard Community College (HCC).

The Youth Poet Laureate is formally appointed by the County Executive, acting on a recommendation determined through an artistic and community review panel selection process coordinated by HoCoPoLitSo and the Howard County Arts Council. As Howard County’s Youth Poet Laureate, Mai-Anh will serve a one-year term that runs through June 2025.

Media Contacts
Safa Hira, Director of Communications

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