Adopt-A-Road Program
Help keep Howard County beautiful! Only FOUR days a year can make a BIG difference!
Litter among our roadways is becoming a BIG problem. Hundreds of Howard County citizens are making a difference by "adopting” a county road, helping to maintain a clean environment and strengthen pride in our community.

Adopt-A-Road FAQs
Why adopt a road?
Howard County Department of Public Works is committed to providing the citizens of Howard County with a clean and environmentally safe community. Street sweeping is performed on most county roads four times a year. Bureau of Highways road crews consistently travel throughout the county cleaning up debris on county roads. However, they need help.
Volunteers are needed to monitor and pick up litter and other debris thrown onto our roadways by careless or irresponsible citizens. By volunteering to pick up litter at least four times a year on a selected road, you can make a tremendous impact on the appearance of your neighborhood, community and Howard County.
Who can participate?
The Adopt-A-Road program is open to any individual, family or civic, business or church group located or residing within Howard County. Participants must be a minimum of 12 years old. Groups with members younger than 16 must be supervised by an adult (18 years or older). At least one adult is required for every five participants younger than 16.
What am I expected to do?
You can request a road or section of road for adoption, or Highways can suggest one for you. However, for safety reasons, some roads may be ineligible for adoption (narrow shoulders, no shoulders, limited sight distances). Groups are requested to adopt a one- to three-mile section of a county road for a minimum of two years. Litter should be collected from your adopted road as needed, hopefully a minimum of four times a year with a major clean-up each spring.
What materials do I need?
Howard County will provide you with portable safety warning signs, safety vests, and plastic bags for use during clean up activities. Recommended clean-up attire includes light-colored clothing, long pants, shirts with long sleeves, brightly colored hats, heavy gloves and sturdy soled footwear.
How do I sign up?
Obtain a complete volunteer packet, including the program guidelines and other necessary forms explaining the program before you get started. Contact Larry Wiley, Department of Public Works Adopt-A-Road program Coordinator, at (410) 313-7472 for details. Following the required three clean-ups within a six-month period, a sign will be posted in the area to acknowledge the efforts contributed by you or your organization.