Public Records
Request public records and reports from the County.
Environmentally Preferred Products
Financial Assistance
Find resources and services for family assistance provided or sponsored by Howard County.
The Health Department offers rapid testing and linkage to care for Hepatitis. Our Case Management will help you get connected with a provider in the area that can discuss and start treatment.
Find information regarding tax credits, tax payments, and property taxes.
Make a payment for your bills, taxes, or traffic citations.
Find your poll location and learn more about voter registration, lobbying, and absentee ballots.
Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise Program (VOBE)
Learn more about buying, renting, and living in Howard County.
Diversity & Inclusion
Find resources and support for BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and immigrants and learn more about human rights and equity.
Training Programs
Find programs and workshops covering a wide variety of topics.
Activities & Outdoors
Find parks and community centers and sign up for activities, camps, sports, and more.
Find government careers, internship opportunities, and learn more about job skills and training.
View services related to public transportation, Bikeshare, roadway maintenance, and more.
Community Athletic Program
Volunteer & Donate
Find ways to volunteer and donate in Howard County.
Local Business Initiative
Money Matters 2021
April is Financial Literacy Month. Learn how to be money smart.
Locating and Marking Public Water & Sewer Lines
Learn how to properly locate and mark public water and sewer lines.
Chalk It Up to Fire Safety
Critical Water Users Form
The Howard County Bureau of Utilities defines a critical water user as a business or facility that uses water as a critical function of their overall process. This includes but is not limited to, hospitals, health care facilities, nursing homes, assisted living centers, day care centers, and schools.
Champions of Change Conference
A networking opportunity and conference for Human Service Professionals, Early Educators, Community Partners, and Youth
Minimum Wage Increase
Effective April 1, 2022, a series of local minimum wage increases for employees working in Howard County.
Health Disparities Grants
Business & Development
Find resources and services related to businesses and developing in Howard County.