Take a closer look and learn more about some of the members of HCDFRS.
Walk to School Staples
Domestic Violence Unit
Permitted Firework Displays
Learn more about permitted firework displays in Howard County.
Patrol Operations
The most visible section of the Sheriff's Office is the uniformed Patrol Operations Section. These deputies operate highly visible patrol cruisers and are assigned to one of eight geographic patrol sectors in Howard County for the service of criminal and civil process. They also assist local law enforcement agencies in calls for service, when needed.
Patrol deputies routinely enforce the Maryland Criminal and Traffic laws and provide security to all judges, staff, and visitors in and around the Circuit Court Complex.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
Department of Recreation & Parks - Resources Advancing EDI
Older Americans Month 2023
Money Matters 2024
April is Financial Literacy Month. Learn how to be money smart.
Consumer Protection Complaints
The Office of Consumer Protection attempts to informally resolve disputes between consumers and merchants through conciliation or mediation. The process begins when a consumer files a complaint with our Office.
Prisoner Transport
Paramedic Program Information and Data
Procedure & Instructions For Online Submittals
Transform Howard
With its official launch on May 24, 2021, Transform Howard strives to establish Howard County as a beacon of innovation and digital inclusion across the nation. Our paramount goal is to guarantee that each and every person, irrespective of their origins or situations, enjoys equitable internet access and embraces the limitless prospects it offers.
SCAMO is a fun and interactive way to learn about scams and your rights as a consumer.
Active Transportation Open House
Hickory Ridge Road Pathway Project
Active Transportation Open House 2022
Active Transportation Open House 2021
Shared E-Scooter Permitting
Active Transportation
The Office of Transportation develops and implements master plans for pedestrian and bicycle transportation.
Bikeshare & Shared Electric Scooters
Howard County is exploring micro-mobility options for Downtown Columbia and the surrounding areas.
The Equity & Restorative Practices Unit
We are here for you!