Prestigious, National Culture of Health Prize Goes to Howard County, Awards $25,000 Prize Funding to Community Ecology Institute
Howard County is one of four winners of the 2021 Culture of Health Prize awarded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF).
95% of Howard County Eligible Residents 12+ Have At Least One Vaccine Dose
Howard County reached a significant vaccination milestone today, with 95% of residents 12 years and older receiving at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose.
Complete Streets Implementation Team (CSIT) Meeting
Ribbon Cutting for Savage Park Playground (All ages)
Howard County Issues Report on HoCo RISE Business Assistance Grants
Today, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball and the Howard County Economic Development Authority (HCEDA) released a report today detailing the HoCo RISE Business Assistance Grant funding and its impact on supporting local businesses during the pandemic.
Walk Up Interviews
Zoning Board
Howard County Adds Nearly 130 Acres to Agricultural Land Preservation Program
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball today signed a bill to acquire an agricultural preservation easement on property that is currently owned by the Dickey family but will be purchased by the Sharp family.
Howard County Police Chief Lisa Myers Announces Retirement
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball announced today that Police Chief Lisa Myers will retire on November 30th. Myers was appointed Chief in February of 2019.
Cranksgiving -- a Food Drive on Two Wheels
E-scooter Demo Day with SPIN
Your Family’s Tree (All ages)
Deer Santa (All ages)
Howard County to Honor Native American Heritage Month this November
November is Native American Heritage Month and Howard County Executive Calvin Ball, the County’s Office of Human Rights and Equity, Howard County Library System and local business Nava Be Diné, have partnered together to recognize the culture, traditions and history of American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Dayton Bureau of Highways Facility Stormwater Management Project to Begin
A Howard County stormwater management construction project to install of curb and gutter, repave pavement and make improvements to the existing storm drain system at 4301 MD 32 in Dayton, is expected to begin on or about Friday, November 5th. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late January 2022.
Howard County Unveils New, Inclusive Playground at Savage Park
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball today celebrated the opening of Savage Park’s new, inclusive playground with community members.
NEW! Maple Sugaring & Syrup Tasting Event
NEW! Maple Sugaring & Syrup Tasting Event
Howard County Government Closings for Veterans Day Holiday on November 11th
Howard County Government offices, 50+ centers, courts and animal shelter will be closed on Thursday, November 11th in observance of the Veterans Day Holiday. However, regular trash, recycling, yard trim and food scrap services will be in effect and the Alpha Ridge Landfill will be open.
Howard County Executive Ball Seeks Member for Board of Health
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball is seeking a member of the general public (the position requires no professional training in health occupations or services) interested in serving on the County’s Board of Health. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, November 24, 2021.
Snowflake Ball (4-12 yrs)
Sweetheart Dance (4-11 yrs)
Valentine’s Dance (3-12 yrs)
CSX to Begin Repair of Dorsey Run Road Railroad Crossing
A CSX Railroad maintenance project to repair and reconstruct the railroad crossing and roadway at Dorsey Run Road in Jessup, will close the roadway from approximately 9:00 a.m., November 9th. to 3:00 p.m., November 11th. During this time, traffic will be detoured via Patuxent Range Road, US 1 and MD 175.
New Sensory-Friendly Play Experience Opens at Centennial Park in Howard County, Next Phase Announced
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball today celebrated the opening of Centennial Park North’s new Sensory-Friendly Play Experience playground.